Personal care brand Clensta doubles its GMV in Q1FY24, Retail News, ET Retail


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Jul 17, 2023

Personal care brand Clensta doubles its GMV in Q1FY24, Retail News, ET Retail

In Q1 FY24, the brand's contribution margin 3 (CM3) demonstrated a positive upswing to 10 per cent from a negative -3 per cent in Q4 FY23. The return on advertising spend (ROAS) reached 2.44 in Q1

In Q1 FY24, the brand's contribution margin 3 (CM3) demonstrated a positive upswing to 10 per cent from a negative -3 per cent in Q4 FY23. The return on advertising spend (ROAS) reached 2.44 in Q1 FY24.